excerpts from Pan Shou's Selected Works 潘受精选
original Chinese pieces
临水 金马仑高原观物四首之二 临水照吾影 水流影自在 后水非前水 而影了无碍 吾身有新陈 陈谢则新代 惟性受诸天 狂奴吾故态 尔芬周年忌辰挈二儿省墓遇雨 经年碑碣渐生苔 低首坟前抚百哀 心事不须吾再说 汗衫犹是汝亲裁 二儿呼母魂何处 一径飞花雨又来 欲去踟蹰还小立 九原双眼可曾开 论中国山水画 十首之九 后生如剑出新磨 六法端须细切磋 莫为创新轻弃古 古人终不废江河 南园送别第一届毕业诸生 满目芳菲也 春风第一期 草俱怀远志 树亦解相思 忠信无夷夏 声华各鼓旗 汤盘堪作则 新又日新之 平生 金马仑高原观物四首之四 平生饮食外 口但哦诗可 然而起寻诗 诗又每相左 今日来看山 支颐与山坐 何曾我寻诗 诗乃自寻我 戒严 七月二十一日新加坡通夜戒严连三日未能解除杜门枯坐感成此诗记之 严警如临敌 危言忽满城 家居聊戢影 巷杀不闻声 久矣华巫契 浑然水乳情 是谁投鸩毒 原火一星生 为新加坡艺术中心提 日日推陈日日新 千姿万采见精神 海风山雨相呼唤 艺术都为一字真 中秋节(对联) 令节值中秋 经天如镜非新月 同声歌祖国 落地生根即故乡 |
"straight" English translations
by the water the second of four poems on touring the cameron highlands by the stream, i look at my reflection the water flows, but my reflection remains the water upstream is not the water downstream but my reflection is undisturbed my body has new and old matter the old passes away, and the new replaces it only my nature comes from heaven and i, reckless one, am still the way i am. encountering rain while visiting my wife's grave with my two sons on her first death anniversary (anniversary) a year has passed, your tombstone has begun to grow moss we lower our heads before your grave, recounting our sorrow my feelings need not be repeated my inner shirt is still the one you sewed our two boys cry - where is Mother's soul? on the path, flowers fly as the rain comes again we ought to go, but hesitating, we stand for a little longer in the underworld, do your eyes open? on Chinese landscape painting the ninth of ten poems the youths are like swords fresh out of the forge still, they must still be sharpened in the Six Ways don't easily abandon the old ways for the sake of novelty the ancients are like the great rivers that flow on forever bidding farewell to nantah's first graduating class (farewell) before me, blossoming everywhere in the spring wind, the first graduating class the grasses share your far aspirations the trees also understand your feelings loyalty and trustworthiness are valued whether East or West our reputation is a flag you each carry remember the advice of Tang's bowl: make progress every day, again and again. all my life (life: poetry) the fourth of four poems on touring the cameron highlands all my life, other than eating and drinking my mouth is only for reciting poetry but when i rise to seek poetry poetry is always never where i search for it today i came to look at the mountains holding my chin, sitting with the mountains i didn't come to seek poetry poetry came to find me by itself curfew 21 July, Singapore carried out an overnight curfew and maintained it for three days. I sat at my door, and wrote this poem to remember these days the police are on alert, as if facing the enemy alarmist rumors suddenly fill the city i stay at home, go into hiding the violence in the streets i do not hear for a long time, Chinese and Malays have had a bond mixing well like milk and water who was the one who threw in the poison? fire on the plain, a single spark leading to it for the esplanade everyday turning over the old, every day bringing the new myriad shapes and colors show your spirit ocean breeze and mountain rain speak to each other art exists for one word - "truth" mid-autumn (a couplet) this festival is midautumn shining in the sky like a mirror, a full moon together let's sing our nation where the seed lands, roots grow - this is our homeland. |